August 24, 2012

Man disappears into the sea after fighting the high tides

Bhatkal, August 24, 2012: On Thursday a group of 15 men gathered on the Jali  beach  at around 3 : 30 pm for a picnic. Three among them stepped into the sea for a swim.
As all the three were good swimmers, they went quite farther away into the sea. “We had gone to such a distance in the sea that our feet were unable touch the ground. When we decided to turn back we faced strong waves. After lot of struggle we reached ashore when, Ismail Janab lost balance and recited the Shahadah ‘La ilaha Illalla’. Within a few seconds he disappeared”, said one among the survivors.
As soon as the news began to spread, hundreds of people gathered on the beach. A rigorous search operation failed to trace Imam till night. It took more than two hours for coastal security police to reach the spot.

The deceased is identified as Maulana Mohammed Ismail Ruknuddin (35), a resident of Bhatkal Magdoom Colony, who was serving as a teacher in Magdoom Colony Madrasa Dar-ut-Taleem-wa-Tarbiya from past four years.  Affectionately called as ’Ismail Janab’, he was also the part time Imaam of Maqdoom Colony Jamia Masjid. He was  an expert swimmer and a sports man.

He is survived by his wife, a daughter and large number well wishers.

Bhatkal DYSP M Narayan and CPI Shiv Prakash along with a team of police arrived at the spot at around 7:30 pm. - MT

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