September 16, 2012

14 reasons Galaxy S3 is better than Apple iPhone5

Samsung has listed at least 14 features why it thinks its Galaxy S3 is better than the new iPhone5.
Titled, “It doesn’t take a genius,” the ad lists features such as NFC, S-Beam, shake to update and removable battery, among others.

Apple fans have already reacted calling it the most ridiculous ad that lists a few most meaningless features in its comparison.Realistically a sid-by-side comparison of the two smartphones points to two phones capabale of taking on each other headon.

The iPhone5 comes with a new operating system - the iOS6 with a 4 Inch screen, compared to Samsung’s Icecream Sandwich  but upgradable to Android 4.1 Jelly bean with a 4.8” screen, which is almost 20g lighter and 1mm slender, IPS LCD display compared to Samsung’s Super AMOLED, a CPU speed of 1.2Ghz compared to Samsung’s 1.4 GHz, 8 megapixel camera on both handsets and a 10 hour long battery life compared to Samsung’s much longer 12-hour period.

Among the other features that Samsung lists on what’s missing in the iPhone 5 are:
Near Field Communication: the RFID technology that enables smartphones to seamlesslessly share, pair and transact wirelessly.
--> S Beam that uses NFC and wi-fi Direct to send files between two phones.
Smart Stay -  a feature that enables the S3’s screen to maintain a bright display as long as you're looking at it.
Share Shot –  that instantly shares photos with friends and family as long as they also have a Galaxy S3.
GroupCast – which Samsung says is an extension of the AllShare Play application that allows many people to view content at the same time and instantly interact.
Direct Call -  It knows when you want to talk: if you're sending a message but decide to call instead, simply lift the phone to your ear and it will dial your friend's number automatically.
Smart Alert - It knows when you've been away from your phone: a vibrating nudge lets you know that you have missed calls or messages.
Palm Swipe Capture – Capture screen by swiping it from right to left or vice versa with the side of your hand
Palm Touch Mute Pause – Mute or pause sounds by covering screen with your hand while playing media with the screen on

Among the other self-explanatory features listed are: Picturein Picture; Turn Over to Mute; Shake to Update and Removable Battery.

Reacting to the ad a posting on Cult of Mac ridicules the adsaying, “Look at that. Just look at it. That’s Samsung’s latest anti-iPhone 5 advert. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Not only is it one of the most slanted product comparisons I’ve ever seen, but it’s got a pitiful message: “Our phone is better because our contrived spec list is longer!” the posting by Alex Heathreads.

“And not only that, but the bottom half of the Galaxy SIII’s specs on this ad are meaningless anyways. They don’t inform you about why the Galaxy S III is actually a better phone. Who cares if you can “shake to update” your phone, Samsung? You wasted space by saying that your phone can make a “Direct Call” while the iPhone 5 can’t? Most people have no clue what “S-Beam,” “Smart Say,” “Picture In Picture” (was that feature named by a kindergardener?), or “Palm Touch Mute Pause” means. You’re right Samsung, it “doesn’t take a genius” to see that you have no clue how to market a smartphone,” the post adds. -Emirates 24/7-

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