September 20, 2012

World’s oldest paper girl: Great-gran Joyce has been doing the same round for 41 years

Meet the world’s oldest papergirl Joyce Pugh, who has been doing the same round for 41 years.

The great-gran, 81, began delivering her local newspaper each evening in 1971 to help top up her income.

Since then Joyce has dropped an astonishing 291,000 copies through residents’ letterboxes, pedalled more than 10,000 miles and never taken a day off sick.

Now she has been recognised by the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest papergirl on the planet.

Joyce, who has eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, said: “My daughter and sons started doing it for pocket money but stopped when they got a proper job.

“Some of the people were missing their papers so I said I would do it for a while but I just didn’t stop.

“I do it every afternoon when the papers come out. It takes me about three-quarters of an hour. I’ll keep going as long as I can. It all depends how bad the winters get.”

She added: “The wages are not very good. I get 3p a paper so that’s 60p a day.

“But I don’t do it for the money, I do it for the exercise and to keep people informed every day.

“I’m delighted to be a record breaker, it makes a change to be making the news for once instead of delivering it.”

Sprightly Joyce delivers the Shropshire Star to residents in White Grit.

The widow, whose husband Jim died in 1993, will appear in the 2013 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records as “the oldest newspaper delivery person, female”. Ted Ingram, 90, of Winterborne Monkton, Dorset, was named the world’s oldest paperboy in 2010.

He took up the part-time job in 1942 and never gave it up. - MT 

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