October 20, 2012

Protest in Bhatkal against anti-Islamic Movie

Bhatkal:A huge protest was organized by the Majilis-e-Islah-o-Tanzeem Bhatkal on Friday evening to condemn against the blasphemous anti-Islamic American movie which has cast aspirations on the character and conduct of our beloved Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). The protest was conducted with the demand of banning the movie in the entire world. On one side the PM of India was thanked for restricting the movie in India, and on other hand he was requested to use his power and influence to pressurize America to restrict the movie completely in the entire world.

'There are two basic reasons behind all the conspiracies which are put forward against Islam and Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). Firstly, the kind of affinity which the Muslims should have towards the Prophet is comparatively meeker and also that the footsteps of the Prophet are not being followed practically in proper sense. And second, it is obligatory upon every Muslim to propagate Islam and teachings of Muhammed (PBUH) to the entire humanity, but it is carried out insufficiently by us. As a result of these, we are facing such adverse situations today. Such kind of circumstances only reminds us that we should fulfill our duties towards our beloved Prophet (PUBH) in a complete and pleasant manner'. These were the heart provoking and sentimental thoughts put forward by the Honorable Moulana Abdul Bari Nadwi, the principal of Jamia Islamia Bhatkal and the effective orator of the community. He was addressing the gathering on the occasion of protest program which was held at the Anjuman ground.

The Moulana said that all the truthfulness, greatness, highness, exaltedness, auspiciousness, esteem and respect conclude with the beloved Prophet of Almighty Allah, Muhammed (PBUH). There is nothing greater than him. The Almighty Allah himself has exalted and glorified the name of his beloved Prophet (PBUH), and now there is not even a single body that can diminish His image. Anybody trying to do such an act will himself be a failure. The history has witnessed that any group or individual trying to do such a lousy act have disdained themselves. Anybody trying to cast aspersions on the character and personality of our Holy Prophet (PBUH) will be disgraced in this world and hereafter by the Allah Almighty as promised. It is the duty of each follower to follow the right path and make the life of Prophet as his way of life, only then the Almighty will help us turn all the evil into good.

Mr. Ishaq Puttur CA, the member of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Mangalore was present as the Chief Guest of the function. Addressing the audience in Kannada language, he said that if there is any personality in the world worth loving and respecting, it is the personality of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). The game which is being played on the name of individual freedom is an open conspiracy. Any amount of action against such plot does not suffice. An Honorable personality is being disgraced on the name of freedom of speech and individuality. This is not just against any religion, but against the rights of Humanity, because respecting each and every individual is considered as humane act. The character of Muhammed (PBUH) was such that, he respected and cared even for his greatest enemies. When He was asked to migrate to Madinah by the Allah Almighty, He had the deposits of even His enemies, and it was His greatness that He gave the responsibility of paying all the deposits to the concerned people to his companion Hazrat Ali (RZ). On the occasion of conquest of Makkah, He could have plainly slaughtered all His enemies, but it was the Highness of His character and conduct and highest display of humanity, that He forgave the entire population of his enemies, except a few countable convicts of war, who were punished accordingly. The history has witnessed such uncountable incidents which had displayed the Prophet�s love for humanity; irrespective of the whether the person he is dealing with is His friend or foe. The best answer for all the ongoing conspiracies is that we Muslims follow the footsteps of our beloved Prophet (PBUH) and the practically display it in front of the world.
The program began with the recitation of verses of Holy Quran by Moulavi Muhammed Irfan Nadwi. The naath was presented by Muhammed Zafeer Shingeri. The Tanzeen General Secretary , Mr. Altaf Kharuri presented the welcoming note and described the aims and objectives of the function. He said that when a film was made on Prophet Jesus (AS), it was banned in all places, and today the sentiments of Muslims are being played with on the name of freedom of individuality. He thanked the Prime Minister of India, Mr. manmoham Singh on the behalf of Muslims of Bhatkal, for restricting the circulation of the concerned film on youtube in India, and demanded that he use his power to pressurize America to ban the particular film in the entire world.

The vice president of Tanzeem, Mr. SM Parvez gave the presidential speech. Mr. Ateeq-ur-Rahman Shabandari convened the program. Mr. Abdul Raqeeb MJ read out the memorandum to the audience. On this occasion, Majilis-e-Islah-o-Tanzeem Bhatkal presented a memorandum to the Assistant Commissioner of Bhatkal Mr. V Ram Prasad Manohar, which was addressed to the Prime Minister of India. The memorandum demanded the Prime Minister to put pressure on America to ban the anti islamic film all over the world. 
Moulana Muhammed Iqbal Mulla Nadwi, the Qazi of Jamatul Muslimeen Bhatkal; Moulana Khaja Moinuddin Akrami Madani, the Qazi of Khaleefa Jamatul Muslimeen Bhatkal; Mr. Jaan Abdurrahman Mohtesham, the president of Jamatul Muslimeen Bhatkal; Mr. Syed Hasan Saqqaf, the president of Markazi Khaleefa Jamatul Muslimeen, Bhatkal; Mr. Ismail Hasan Damudi, the vice president of Anjuman Hami-e-Muslimeen Bhatkal; Mr. Muhammed Shafi Shabandari, the administraor of Jamia Islamia Bhatkal; Moulana Abdul Aleem Qasmi, General Secretary of Jamaatul Muslimeen Bhatkal; Mr. Nizamuddin Abu Muhammed Qazi, the president of Jamatul Muslimeen Manki, Mr. Shaikh Shabbir, the president of Jamatul Muslimeen Murdeshwar and other dignitaries were present on the dice.

The congregation witnessed thousands of lovers of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) who had gathered there to prove their love for the Prophet and condemn against the blasphemous Anti-Islamic movie. - SO

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