July 21, 2012

Students Stage Protest against Carry over System

Udupi: Udupi and Kundapur Polytechnic college students staged a protest in from of DC office with regard to the new guidelines given by the education board and demanding the carry over system to save the life of thousands of students.

As per the new guidelines the students who fail in more than four subjects in any semesters are not eligible to get the admission for the next level, due to which majority of the students are feared to lose a year.
In today’s protest students from Dr. T. M. A Pai Polytechnic, Kamath Institute of technology, Kundapur, Indira Shivaram Polytechnic Kadiyali and G. P. T. Polytechnic. They submitted a memorandum to the DC and mentioned that there will be further protests till the government change the new guidelines.-KN-

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