August 4, 2012

Campus Front of India Udupi District condemned the ABVP Protest

Udupi :  Udupi District condemned the ABVP Protest organized on Friday in Mangalore to ban social student movement and secular organization like Campus Front of India (CFI).

The organization’s Udupi Dist President Farhan Honnala said the attempt and objective of this protest by ABVP in Mangalore is to divert the public and students attention from home stay attack on students in Mangalore by Hindu Jagran Vedike.

And ABVP has always been using students for their political needs and for their political party BJP.
CFI has been striving for the better society has set up a platform for students, educating students on career guidance and counseling, making parents understand the importance of education in slums and in rural areas, creating awareness on environmental and health issues (against usage of tobacco and drugs) helping students to get scholarship, helping them develop their personality to face interview and examinations.

ABVP and their leaders should apologize for their impudent statement and approach towards secular student organizations like CFI.

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