August 4, 2012

Eye-strain more often traced to computer use

Computers have revolutionised the way we work, play, communicate and what not.

But along with the boon come the bad news — eye stress and other problems related to spending hours in front of the computer called computer vision syndrome.

The most common symptoms associated with this syndrome are ocular discomfort, muscular strain, headaches, blurred vision and stress on the eyes.
Though the eye strain can be reduced to a great extent when your computer is turned off, there are instances where reduced visual abilities recur even after work.

“The major problems leading to computer related eye stress are uncorrected or under-corrected farsightedness, astigmatism, presbyopia and binocular vision (eye coordination and eye focusing). It is imperative to have an eye examination before joining the workplace where long hours on the computer is required. Regular examinations thereafter would help in preventing the problem,” said Dr Saleem Moopen, Ophthalmologist at Aster Medical Center (Al Rafa), Bur Dubai. The radiation emitted by a computer screen is significantly lower than the recommended safety levels. However, an electrostatic charge is formed near the computer screen which attracts dust particles which may lead to eye irritation in some people. It may be noted that there is no conclusive evidence to such findings. The dust problem could be eliminated if the computer screens are dusted and cleaned regularly.

Glares and images reflected on the computer screen, colour of the screen, faulty placements of the computer screen and improper lighting are some of the other factors responsible for discomfort in the eyes.
Dark letters on a light background is easier to read than light letters on dark background. Screen brightness and contrast have to be adjusted to provide balance with room lighting and maximum visibility.

“It is important for people facing the problems of computer vision syndrome to use eyeglasses specifically meant for computer use. Such glasses have special designs, lens power and tints. Rest and breaks in between working hours can help reduce the eye strain to a great extent,” Dr Moopen added.

Good work station design to combat the computer related problems should include adjustable furniture to suit the postures, detachable key-boards to adjust viewing angles etc. - KT

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